Another name for this disease – and on the other hand, incorrect the defeat of the spine, affects the body of the vertebrae, ligamentous and articular apparatus, the disks of the spine. With the same often diagnosed in men, and in women, usually develops after 30 years. According to the statistics of this disease have a 50 to 80% of the population.

The classification of the symptoms of osteochondrosis of cervical
The development of this disease sometimes starts before age 30 and 35 years, therefore, produce signs of the disease may already even in adolescence. The signs of the degenerative disease of the cervical disc as described in detail below, the disease has become a problem of the modern world. Sedentary work, long stay in front of the computer have a negative influence on the state of the health, the well-being of the person. All of the symptoms of the degenerative disease of the cervical disc are related to failures in the operation of several systems:
- In those cases, there are signs of crushing, putting in danger the integrity of the spinal cord is located in spinal canal.
- The process is able to influence the nervous system perifrico. The negative effects are exposed to the back of the spinal cord, located near foci of the deformation of the cartilage tissue.
- In some cases, there is a crushing of the vertebral arteries. These vessels carry to the brain cells of the nutrients, the oxygen. Violation of these processes leads to a marked deterioration in well-being of the person.
The pain

It is known that one of the first signs of the development of disease – pain in the cervical region. The first thing that passes quickly, and to perpetuate, but then passes to a chronic form. One of the main places of location of the pain are:
- occipital muscles (strengthens if you turn the neck, the back of the head);
- the area of the shoulders;
- the neck.
Being sick can vary in function of the location of the source of the defeat, the unpleasant sensations can be acute, shoots spikes, periodically be heard, take the pain and permanent in nature. With the time, the movement of the head have difficulties in relation to the tension of the muscles of the neck. If there is a crushing of the artery, sometimes caused migraine cervical (when it decreases the supply of blood, lack of oxygen appears as the head pain).
In some cases, there is the pressure of the vessels of the circulatory system, which provide the supply of oxygen, nutrients to the brain of the person, inside of the ear. Due to this, it produces nausea to the osteochondrosis. Accompanied by these symptoms, as a general rule, loss of appetite, which becomes the cause of weight loss, the deficit of the nutrients. In the advanced stages of the disease can cause vomiting when turning the head, walking, or slopes. This is related to the lack of blood supply to the average ear, where the center of balance.
The neurological symptoms of the degenerative disc disease cervical

Some of the symptoms of the disease not only can be attributed to physical characteristics. You must know the symptoms of osteochondrosis cervical, can not be ignored, for example, the lack of air. The defeat of this division can develop the syndrome of irritation of the phrenic nerve. The patient has difficulty breathing, feels the lack of oxygen, which causes shortness of breath and even a strong suffocation.
This manifestation of the pathology is often accompanied by snoring, reinforced by him, whether to take an uncomfortable position during sleep. This causes the person to not to rest for the night, wakes up with a general feeling of malaise, weakness, feeling tired and broken. What is the state in the absence of treatment can lead to a deterioration of memory, decreased concentrations of irreversible changes in the brain tissue.
The vestibular signs
Still in the same direction, as manifested by osteochondrosis cervical – vestibular signs. Supply the brain of all the necessary nutrients occurs through the vertebrate of the artery. If it develops, the osteochondrosis of cervical, which disturbs the working of the inner ear, the patient suffers from tinnitus ringing. In certain cases, the symptoms is added to the violation or loss of hearing.
Who in the throat
In some cases, the disease manifestation is only a symptom of the – difficult to swallow. It creates the feeling that the one who has formed in the throat to the osteochondrosis cervical, feels itchy, itchy, dry, difficult to swallow. The data manifestation related to the violation of the conductivity neuro-vascular trunks coming from the spinal cord. Who in the throat is not a specific symptom of degenerative disc disease, it can indicate tumor or inflammatory process. When will is feature, you should consult a doctor.
Visual signs of the degenerative disc disease cervical
The symptoms of degenerative disc disease, cervical spine may be different, but the most common ones include disorders of the visual acuity. The supply of analyzers and the visual occurs through sleepy, and vertebrates of the artery. If the reduction of the circulation of the blood is produced by the lack of sinking the last, begins the descent of the view, that does not improve when the use of glasses. Collar of the osteochondrosis – symptoms:

- decrease of the blood pressure;
- "floaters", flashing point of view.
- atherosclerosis of the arteries in the brain;
- the rape of focusing on the subject;
- the veil, the fog in front of eyes.
A common feature of the reduction of vision is produced by crushing a vertebra of a blood vessel, circulatory disorders, will be the lack of improvement when the use of sunglasses, the implementation of the special exercises. Change the status of the timely help of a basic treatment of the disease (before the appearance of irreversible lesions of the tissues).
The blood signs
The spine plays an important role in the human body, so diseases affect many systems. There are certain the blood the signs of the degenerative disease of the cervical disc, that point to this disease. Them refers to the sudden loss of consciousness. It is most unpleasant, dangerous symptom that characterizes this disease. This happens because of the violation of the circulation of the blood, when cerebral arteries temporarily stops the blood flowing.
Expressed in the spasm of the arteries is caused by the response deformed, the bones of appendices in the irritation of the nerve endings. If your friend osteochondrosis of cervical and lost consciousness, you should take, elevating the foot of a small hill, in order to increase the reflux of the blood from the lower extremities and increase the income to the brain. After this, the people, typically, come quickly to himself.
The instability of the blood pressure is another symptom of a disease of this group. Doctors can diagnose the discontinuity indicators, if it is disturbed the supply of blood. It is not a specific symptom of the degenerative disease of the disc, but fits in the general picture of the disease. The blood pressure may dramatically decrease or increase. The person feels a worsening, therefore, must ensure peace.
Previously it has been described in this disease sometimes occurs a loss of consciousness. This applies to cases in which the income of blood to the brain is very difficult. Often patients feel dizzy when osteochondrosis cervical. It is a frequent symptom that accompanies all the patients with the disease. This phenomenon has a spontaneous character of the manifestation. The cause of this state becomes the reduction of the amount of oxygen to the interior of the cab. Located in the human brain, is responsible for the sense of balance. Vertigo occurs when:
- turn the head, the neck;
- if you get up suddenly from the bed.
The temperature at osteochondrosis

In some cases, the pathological process that is distributed among the structures cervical segment of the spinal cord. This happens when the increase of the disk, stenosis of the canal. The temperature of the osteochondrosis – the body's response to the data of the pathology. The same reaction as possible in the syndrome of the vertebral artery. It is common in the osteochondrosis in the last stages of development of the disease. Therefore, the increase of the temperature refers to the nonspecific symptoms of the disease.
This optional feature will be present, the control body may be normal. If you feel persistent pain in the area of the nape of the neck, the shoulders, the neck, and when turning or tilting the head produces a peak – you should consult a specialist to perform the examination. The lack of treatment would lead necessarily to what the situation worsens, the comfort level of life will decrease.