Osteoarthritis is degenerative change in the cartilage articular guided not of an inflammatory nature. This process occurs in the majority of cases, as a natural consequence of the aging of the organism.
According to the statistics, osteoarthritis is quite common of the disease, as the suffering from it is estimated that 10% to 15% of the inhabitants of the different countries.

This disease is characteristic of the age category of 45 years and more. Although they have a place of exception, when the osteoarthritis occurs in less than a age group of the people, as a result of wounds, disease, serious fractures that affect to a greater extent in athletes.
As a general rule, arthritis pain patients experience in the state of loads, but it's hard to sit or lie in one position of the affected limb, as manifestations of pain are silent. As the progression of the disease intensifies the characteristic creaking of the joints, decreases the amplitude of the movements typical of the joints, produces the deformation of the component joint.
Osteoarthritis – what is it?
Why is causes osteoarthritis, and what is it? The disease develops due to a violation of exchange of substances in the joint, which in turn makes the cartilage begins to lose its elasticity. This may contribute to the complete or partial loss of the composition of cartilage proteoglycans, this happens, usually, for very deep cracks in the cartilage.
- Primary osteoarthritis — starts without notice reason and the surprise of unaffected cartilage articular guided simultaneously in many joints; most often seen in people over the age of 40 years. Primary osteoarthritis is also a result of the violation of the correlations in the cartilage tissue of the processes of synthesis and degeneration, and is accompanied by a disorder of the function of the chondrocytes. In the cartilage when arthritis changes predominate over the processes of destruction.
- The main causes of secondary osteoarthritis are substantial changes in the processes of change: the supply of blood, saline, and change the reflux of the lymph, hormonal disorders in the assimilation necessary to the articulation of the substances. The hormonal changes that lead to osteoarthritis, common in older women and the third age, when they begin the natural hormonal changes.
In the risk group can lead to people:
- with excess weight;
- with hereditary disorders;
- of age;
- with the professions;
- with metabolic disorders in the body;
- the micronutrient deficiencies;
- underwent an injury in the spine;
- dealing with some sports.
The cunning of osteoarthritis is the in the fact that changes in the cartilage of the affected joint for a long time does not manifest no symptom is pain and difficulty of movements are made visible only at the time of their destruction reaches the periosteum, just below the cartilage.
Osteoarthritis of 1, 2 and 3 grade
Are distinguished three degrees of osteoarthritis of the joints:
- 1 degree of the disease passes almost without notice the symptoms. Only once in a while there may be pain during movement, or in other types of physical activity. Already in the first stage of osteoarthritis occur abnormal changes in the synovial fluid of the joint, when this is muscular atrophy apparatus, but does not suffer variation.
- 2 the degree of osteoarthritis marked the beginning of the destruction of the joint, the first osteophytes. The pain becomes bearable, but a lot. Hear the creaking in the affected joints. Violation occurs muscle on account of the violation of therapeutic neurotrophic regulation.
- 3 the degree of arthrosis of the joints and cartilages cartilage thinning, there are a large number of foci of destruction. It is observed a large deformation of the articulation of a site with the change of the axis of the limb. Due to disrupt the normal flow of the relationship between anatomical structures of the joint and extensive pathological changes in the connective tissue of the ligaments are insolvent and are shortened, so that it develops pathology of the mobility of the joint in combination with the natural limitation of the range of motion. Occur contractures and subluxations. Periarticular muscle to be stretched or trimmed, of the reduction capability of the weakened. The power of the joint and the surrounding tissues violated.
The course of the disease is characterized by phases of exacerbation and phases of remission. This makes it difficult to introspection and the diagnosis of osteoarthritis, based only on his own feelings. Therefore, you should request clarification of the medical diagnosis.

The signs of
Osteoarthritis has defined the early indications, from your rating, but there is the revised list:
- Syndrome pain that is intensified in the rainy weather and by low temperatures;
- The joint increases in volume due to deformities and osteophytes;
- The temperature of the skin around the diseased joint increases. You may experience a general increase of the temperature.
- The joint begins to swell, observed swelling, and the board;
- When the voltage and the work of the joint can be heard and perceived creak or the squeak of the friction of the bones of the entities.
In more advanced stages the pain may occur in a state of kiss of the wind, blood stasis and increased intraosseous pressure.
The symptoms of osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis refers to the category of chronic diseases. Sometimes the disease can go unnoticed for years, only once in a while, remembering the pain of the burden in the joint or clumsy movement.
But it may be the case that the disease is rapidly developing to an advanced stage of only few months. In any case, it is important to remember, if you do not cure the osteoarthritis of their symptoms with the time to grow, which harms the quality of life, and in severe cases – giving rise to the disability and immobilization.
Thus, the osteoarthritis of the major symptoms of the following:
- Pain in the joint. She is especially apparent when all types of loads to the pain of the joint, in the moment of walking down the stairs.
- Pains in the muscles and the popping in the knee. Pain occurs when the hypothermia. The creaking at the beginning, not strong, but in the absence of treatment, with the passage of time is going to listen and the surrounding area.
- The appearance of swelling. The characteristic symptom of a disease of the joints of arthritis. But osteoarthritis occurs swelling only when the flare-ups and not accompanied by acute pain, and it hurts. It is very remarkable, and leads to some discomfort.
Sometimes the pain at night can increase. Sometimes the pain in the knee is very active, the manifestation of his depends on the loads. In the youth of osteoarthritis can get the development of a large effort by a physicist, or after the injury.
The diagnosis of osteoarthritis
The diagnosis is based, mainly, in the definition of such predisposing factors, such as the occurrence of pain and discomfort in the movements of the joints. When producing the above-described signs of the disease, it is possible to carry out x-ray, radionuclides and morphological research.
All of the studies are conducted only in the clinical setting, and opinions on them should be given only by qualified personnel. On our site you can always ask questions about the symptoms, treatment and prevention of osteoarthritis in the comments below.
The prevention of the
The prophylactic measures for the prevention of osteoarthritis are available to all. These include moderate physical activity (should not cause pain in the joints), balanced diet and the daily consumption of food of the main trace elements and vitamins.
Often, the removal of the arthritis prevents the excess weight, therefore, you must pay close attention to your diet, and in the case of the need to follow a diet.
Likewise, it must be remembered that osteoarthritis refers to the category of chronic diseases. In other words, the main criterion of the effectiveness of the treatment for the achievement of long remission and improvement of the condition of the patient.

The treatment of osteoarthritis
When diagnosed the treatment of osteoarthritis at this time is serious and urgent. And although the number of medications used in arthritis, increases constantly, are only symptomatic of the action. And until now, none of the drugs has not become the panacea in the treatment of joints.
The plan and the methods of treatment depend on the stage and the symptoms of osteoarthritis, often initially removed the pain, as well as in the second and third stages of the disease can be very painful. It is also possible to anti-inflammatory therapy for joint inflammation.
The main scheme of the pharmacological treatment of osteoarthritis involves the use of:
- Nsaids, in order to reduce the pain syndrome and to correct the inflammatory process.
- The drugs of the group of chondroprotectors, in whose composition includes active components such as glucosamine and chondroitin.
- When the heavy weight of current of disease may require intra-articular introduction of corticosteroid medications. The products quickly resolve the inflammatory process and normalise the mobility of the affected joint.
- After resolving the inflammatory process may be needed intra-articular introduction of acid hyaluronic, which acts as a lubricant and prevents the process of friction of the joints, eliminates the pain, improves mobility and stimulates your own production of hyaluronate.
Return the joint affected by osteoarthritis), in large measure, is only possible through the realization of the surgical replacement of the joint, without the intervention of to do that is not possible.
In the surgery
In the execution stages of osteoarthritis of the knee in the treatment of medications can be no longer effective, and then must take a decision on the methods of the health.
There are several types of surgery:
- Arthroplasty. The replacement of the cartilage joint with guided artificial board. After the operation, it significantly reduces the pain and increases mobility.
- Arthroscopy. Does not require a long recovery period, it is very suitable for patients of all ages. You need it to avoid the destruction of the joint. During the operation to remove swollen – occurs through the thin tip of test and support tools.
- Placement of the prosthesis. Replacing all the components of the artificial joint similar. To the word, the present prosthesis originate from a special metal that is not excluded by the agency. As transplants are, on average, around ten years. After the intervention, the patients can lead a full lifestyle.
In the house of a doctor who is ill can apply the distraction of funds in the form of ointments, rastirok, gels, infusions of herbs. Good results are given physiotherapy, the iglorefleksoterapija, hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches), as well as sanatorium treatment in the remission stage (attenuation of disease) with the application of natural mud and mineral baths.
Exercises for the treatment of osteoarthritis
Indispensable in the treatment of osteoarthritis is the use of different types of exercise to prevent atrophy of the muscles and the weakening of the ligaments.
Exercises for osteoarthritis treatment are selected individually for each patient, the doctor and a professional physical therapists. The exercises begin only after the removal of the sharpening, but not later than 5 to 6 days after the elimination of the pain syndrome.
The task of the exercises for the treatment of osteoarthritis is the recovery of the mobility joint guidance, aerobic training, increasing the strength and flexibility of muscles and joints.
How to heal osteoarthritis remedies?
Osteoarthritis of the medication can't be avoided, but, typically, the doctor prescribes a comprehensive treatment, advising to apply folk remedies. But it is necessary to know that the treatment of osteoarthritis, including and non-traditional medicine, is based on a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition, all this is added to popular recipes.

- Leaves of birch, nettle leaves and inflorescence of calendula is taken in equal parts. Finally, you must get two scoops. We obtained the grated mass thermos, pour a liter of boiling water and left it in the night. From tomorrow, you must take half a glass of broth of four to five times a day. The course of the reception of this recipe is two – three months.
- Yolk the solution is prepared from the yolk of fresh egg, which is mixed with turpentine and cider vinegar, in a ratio of 1:1:1. The liquid should be mixed well and rub with it the affected joint in all night. After which it is necessary to wrap all wool with a handkerchief. It is recommended to perform rub in the period of 1 month to 2-3 times a week.
- Celery. 1-2 teaspoons of freshly-squeezed juice of celery to drink up to 3 times a day. You can use the cooking. Make 1 tablespoon of the fresh roots 2 cups of boiling water and let it rest under the lid for 4 hours. Drink 2 tablespoons 4 times a day for 30 minutes before the meal.
- You'll need a piece of soft fabric of wool, without any synthetic impurities, and cabbage. To begin, we must chop the cabbage, after which well arrugarla with the help of mortar and pestle or with your hands, it is preferable to use non-oxidised ware. After this, you can press the juice in the juicer. Now we prepared the fabric and contact in cabbage juice, the pack put it on the joint ill. I would like to say that the squeezed out juice can be stored not more than three days from the time of extraction.
- The application of baked beans, oatmeal also gives good results. Take three-four tablespoons of oatmeal, cover with boiling water and simmer for five to seven minutes. The amount of water should ensure the production of a thick slurry, which must be cooled and use as a compress on the night. Use only recently balls of cereal. Yesterday the slurry to the pad is not adequate.
- At the pharmacy they sold a root of the inula salicina. Usually, it is Packed in packages of 50 g To prepare the tincture you will need the half of the bundle of roots of plants and 150 ml of vodka of high quality. The ingredients are mixed and placed in the darkness of the bottle, and infusion of 12 days. The friction is performed before bedtime, and if possible, in the morning.
In general, the treatment of osteoarthritis remedies is not able to fully replace the types of treatment (medications, physical therapy, massage, physical therapy), but important way you can relieve the symptoms of the illness, potentiate the action of other methods of therapy and accelerate the recovery.